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Monday, 5 January 2015

Journey With Bootstrap: Day 2 ( Grid System)

Hello Geeks,
I am here with the second day of my journey with bootstrap, today we learn Bootstrap's Grid system. If you have not read my first day's journey with Bootstrap then please first read that from here: Journey With Bootstrap: Day 1.

My first day's journey explained what Bootstrap is, its advantages, history and so on.

Now let's start the second day's journey.

Bootstrap's Grid System

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Journey With Bootstrap: Day 1

First, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year, may this year bring much success and fun in your life.

This year I began to learn a very nice language “Bootstrap” with which we can make responsive websites quickly.

So let's start.

What Bootstrap is: Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework to develop responsive and mobile first applications on the web. Here we see two terms, the first one is responsive. That means the website will respond to various screen sizes by automatically adjusting its layout to look good.

continue to read-



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